Saturday, July 13, 2013


The Yalad Group is very excited to announce its hosting of the  
Midwifery Skills Workshops
(click for more info)


From Audrey, 

Congratulations on your pregnancy!  Evaluating your options about how your baby will be born makes a tremendous difference in the experience you have.  It will even improve your outcome by learning about and participating in the care you receive. 

 I feel very blessed to be at a family's most intimate event. I am living my dream to see birth centers be an options for me and my daughters after me.  I pray for the mothers, babies and the midwives who attend them to be given the honor and respect they deserve.  I am hoping to see normal labor and birth become part of our society once again.  Mothers passing their wisdom on to their daughters and sisters, and grandparents once again participating in communal childbirth that will make our communities strong.  It matters how you are born, it shapes the person you become.  It is time for parents to take steps to ensure that there will be a midwife for every mother in the future. 

Thank you!

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